Over the last 14 plus years I have been a practicing licensed massage therapist and holistic wellness specialist. Over this time period I developed a unique Butterfly Healing Method (tm) that includes various healing and transformational modalities, including essential oil anointing perfumes, crystals, Reiki, sound healing, light language, sacred movement and bodywork to support my clients. While I no longer serve my clients as a massage therapist, I do offer Butterfly Body Healing Sessions and have begun to offer classes in Butterfly Healing for Self-care and a certification level course for wellness practitioners.
I am also a Transformational Lifestyle Guide/ Mentor and offer Infinite Self Akashic Records Sessions.
I also create a unique line of essential oil perfumes for your divine indulgence that I have for purchase and are used in the Butterfly Healing Sessions. I offer classes for intuitive blending with essential oils.
I am also the creator of the Infinite Self Oracle Card deck.
I am also an author in several best selling collaborative books including the chapter Butterfly Medicine Healing, in the book Energy Healing & Soul Medicine.
You can learn more about my private mentoring work with clients here Patricia Wald-Hopkins Mentor/Coach